Hanno Lustig
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
Mizuho Financial Group Professor
Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB)
Professor by courtesy
Department of Political Science
Hanno Lustig joined the GSB in 2015. Prior to that, he taught at the University of Chicago, the UCLA Economics department and UCLA’s Anderson School of Management. He graduated in 2002 from Stanford University with a PhD in economics. He has been awarded the JP Morgan Award for the Best Paper on Financial Institutions and Markets in 2012 as well as the NASDAQ OMX Award for the Best Paper on Asset Pricing in 2010. Lustig is a Faculty Research Fellow at the NBER and an associate editor at the Journal of Finance and Econometrica. Francis Longstaff and Lustig were also awarded a Distinguished paper distinction as part of the Amundi Smith Breeden Prize for the best paper in the Journal of Finance on capital markets for their work on TIPS markets with Matthias Fleckenstein.
Focal Areas: Money and Finance, Taxes and Public Spending