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Results for: COVID-19
- Davis, Steven, Dingqian Liu, Xuguang Sheng, and Yan Wang. “Policy Interventions and China’s Stock Market in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic”.
- Dewey, Dan, Erin Fahle, Thomas Kane, Sean Reardon, and Douglas Staiger. “Federal Pandemic Relief and Academic Recovery”.
- Bloom, Nicholas, Gordon Dahl, and Dan-Olof Rooth. “Work from Home and Disability Employment”.
- Davis, Steven. “The Big Shift in Working Arrangements: Eight Ways Unusual”.
- Zarate, Pablo, Mathias Dolls, Steven Davis, Nicholas Bloom, Jose Barrero, and Cevat Aksoy. “Why Does Working from Home Vary Across Countries and People?”.
- Fairlie, Robert. “The Impacts of COVID-19 on Racial Inequality in Business Earnings”.
- Barrero, Jose, Nicholas Bloom, and Steven Davis. “The Evolution of Working from Home”.
- Hansen, Stephen, Peter Lambert, Nicholas Bloom, Steven Davis, Raffaella Sadun, and Bledi Taska. “Remote Work across Jobs, Companies, and Space”.
- Cooperman, Harry, Darrell Duffie, Stephan Luck, Zachry Wang, and Yilin Yang. “Bank Funding Risk, Reference Rates, and Credit Supply”.
- Aksoy, Cevat, Jose Barrero, Nicholas Bloom, Steven Davis, Mathias Dolls, and Pablo Zarate. “Time Savings When Working from Home”.
- Afonso, Gara, Darrell Duffie, Lorenzo Rigon, and Hyun Shin. “How Abundant Are Reserves? Evidence from the Wholesale Payment System”.
- Finkelstein, Amy, Geoffrey Kocks, Maria Polyakova, and Victoria Udalova. “Heterogeneity in Damages from a Pandemic”.
- Barrero, Jose, Nicholas Bloom, and Steven Davis. “Long Social Distancing”.
- Goda, Gopi, Emilie Jackson, Lauren Nicholas, and Sarah Stith. “Older Workers’ Employment and Social Security Spillovers through the Second Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic”.
- Duggan, Mark, and Emma Hou. “Apples and Oranges: Contrasting Economic Policy in New York and Florida”.
- Bunn, Philip, Lena Anayi, Nicholas Bloom, Paul Mizen, Gregory Thwaites, and Ivan Yotzov. “Firming Up Price Inflation”.
- Goda, Gopi, and Evan Soltas. “The Impacts of Covid-19 Illnesses on Workers”.
- Aksoy, Cevat, Jose Barrero, Nicholas Bloom, Steven Davis, Mathias Dolls, and Pablo Zarate. “Working from Home Around the World”.
- Bloom, Nicholas. “The Great Resistance: Getting Employees Back to the Office”.